Thursday, September 24, 2009

Critical Response

1. What these two photos have in common, even though they are in two different ways, are that they both show motion being repeated.
2. The two photos show motion in different ways. The first ones shows motion kind of like a film, it goes from one thing to another, it's showing that the horse is running while the "driver" is whipping the horse to make it go faster. In the second photo it shows a man going down the steps but what makes it different from the other is one, it's not being shown like a film, and two the picture kind of flows together as where in the first one they are all very clear.
3. The purpose of the first photograph is that it freezes each picture but makes it clear enough to show that it is moving. Where in the second photo the man is all one blur yet the background is still and very clear.



Thursday, September 3, 2009